Along with the Professor of Cell Biology and Genetics, at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, one paper has been published entitled “Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for human brain cancer” in the International Journal of Oncology in October 2003 where our method of treatment with Ruta and Calcarea Phosphorica was followed with excellent results.
In our observation for the last 30 years, these medicines have the definite power to reduce and cure Intracranial SOL. It may be interesting to note that our claims with regard to the action of these medicines have been successfully vindicated in vitro. These slides show Metaphases from control and Ruta 6-treated MGR-one human brain cancer cells showing mitotic catastrophe:
A, normal metaphase spread from a control culture;
B, endo-re-duplicated partial metaphase spread showing dicentrics, chromatid breaks, and tri-radial configurations; and
C, an endoreduplicated metaphase with extensive chromosome fragmentations from Ruta-treated cultures. These slides show FISH (Fluorescent in-situ Hybridization) preparations of interphase cells from a human B-lymphoid cell line and MGR-one brain cancer either untreated or treated with Ruta 6 + Ca3(PO4)2 are stained with DAPI for DNA (blue), and telomeric DNA labeled with rhodamine (red).
B-lymphoid control cells (A)
and Ruta 6-treated cells (B) both show no reduction in telomeric signals.
Untreated control (C)
and Ruta-treated (D) … human brain cancer cells show significant difference in telomeric signals. Large nuclei from Ruta-treated cells show reduced telomeric signals. All microphotographs were taken at the same magnification. Both in vivo and in vitro results showed induction of survival-signaling pathways in normal lymphocytes and induction of death-signaling pathways in brain cancer cells. Cancer cell death was initiated by telomere erosion and completed through mitotic catastrophe events. We proposed that Ruta in combination with Ca3(PO4)2 could be used for effective treatment of brain cancers, particularly glioma.
Of interest in this context is the fact that the brain tumor community in the US has shown an immense response to this protocol of treatment. We all know that patients suffering from serious diseases often acquire a good deal of knowledge about their diseases. Lately, we have been receiving 60 to 70 mails a day from patients all over the world who have found the paper on Ruta and in an uncontrolled manner have started taking the medicines themselves. When after 3 to 4 months of treatment, they find that their tumor has regressed or become static, they contact us to fine tune the treatment for them.
Some have even gone so far as to set up user groups on the internet which are showing remarkable results. One such group is run by Mr. Alex Fidelibus and can be accessed on the projected URL: “”
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